Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My first sewing project: Make-up Travel Kit

A while ago (ok maybe it was a few years) my grandmother gave me one of her sewing machines. She does lots of sewing and so has several machines. I looked at my new to me sewing machine and it seemed very complicated so I just ignored it for a while. Until a few months ago. I have several friends in the area who sew and one of them offered to give me a lesson. I was pretty excited and became even more excited the first time I went to the store to pick out fabric! A new addiction was born! I can spend hours looking at fabric either online or in the store. :-)
 Karri taught me how to make this cute makeup brush roll and cosmetic bag. Then I took the techniques she taught me and made two small do-dad bags. I'm really happy with how everything turned out, especially considering it was my first project. Now I have a cute travel set for my makeup!

A big thanks to Karri for being such a great teacher!